Tuesday, April 1, 2008


“…And so here we are lookingatandreadingeachother (which comes from the verb "mirolear," the action of jointly looking, in reciprocity, mutually)…”

A line from one of my favorite translations. One of the subjects of the piece was the vagaries and finer points of electronic communication, and his metaphor was little paper boats cast, with much trepidation and love, down the river. Yes, exactly how we feel about our translations. And posts and mail and most any other attempt to…mirolear.

The work in question was written by a gentleman who has often been described as “the best living writer in Latin America.” A bit of a hyperbole, I believe, although, given the extraordinarily prolific nature of his work [I have translated literally hundreds, perhaps even a thousand, of them], once upon a time he certainly enjoyed moments of brilliance, wit and even whimsy.

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